Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Funerals with Salvia extracts

A funeral brought us here, one member of my family was victim of drug cartels, for respect to him I won't get into details, but I can say that it was a difficult time for everyone.

He left more than 5 kids and wife alone, and with fear of those who killed him come back for another member of the family.

We often see drugs as the poison for our kids, or the revenues of an illegal activity, but when seen from the perspective of a human life lost, it takes a whole different meanning.

You could say that he was in to wrong place at the wrong time, or that he was involved with the wrong people, even so, the sadness on my family won't go away.

Anyway, I think that the approach this world has taken to drugs is not working, I can't tell you the correct way for this, but I can assure you that the way has been handled so far is not right.

Something similar is happening to Salvia Divinorum, because most of local, state and federal governments are labeling it as an illegal drug without further researching. Knowing that history says that the use for this plant is and has been, for health purposes.

If you didn't know this don't be ashamed, just do some research on your own. The ones that should be worried are the lawmakers, passing them without it's proper research.

Have a nice day.